Saturday, October 24, 2009

Nathaniel William's Birth

May 25, 2009, Memorial Day, and the day before I was scheduled to be induced Nathaniel William Spellman was born. We had a wonderful birth experience this time around. It's amazing how much nicer Huntsville Hospital and their staff was compared to Florence Hospital were Noah was born. This time I had two wonderful nurses and an awesome female doctor! We went into the hospital around 11a.m. and Nate was born that night at 8:35p.m. When I had Noah everything went smoothly until we got to the pushing part. That was the hardest thing ever! It took me an hour and 15 minutes to get Noah out. So I was nervous about that happening again. But this time I tried hard to relax, stay focused and pray! It must have worked because Nathaniel was born after only 13 minutes of hard pushing! My doctor this time did a great job of coaching me so I think that really made a difference. Little Nate gave us a scare the first few minutes he was alive. Apparently he had swallowed a bunch of fluid right before he delivered and was having trouble breathing. Those few short moments were one of the scariest times of our lives! They called in special nurses from the newborn intensive care unit. Within a few minutes they had him back to breathing well on his own. We were so happy! Nate weighed in at 7 lbs. 13oz, blue eyes, and light brown hair. We are so glad to have him apart of our family! Noah loves him very much. :-)

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